Sperm Donor Pleas: Vote for Us!
Love me...

A Letter from the Sperm Donor:
As you all may know, I've been starring on Bravo's "Situation: Comedy".
Starting this Friday, you can vote for my sitcom, THE SPERM DONOR.
This is a very important vote, because not only will I be granted title of "best sitcom" a $50,000 cash prize, a Hollywood agent, but it will also help me in my lifelong dream of becoming a sitcom writer.
Voting starts this Friday, August 26th at 7pm EST and will end next Friday, September 2nd at midnight EST.
To vote go to aol.com/situationcomedy
(You do NOT need to be an AOL subscriber). From there, voting should be VERY simple.
You are allowed to vote for SPERM DONOR once a day,
for a total of seven days, seven votes.
Please take a moment to forward this email to as many people as you can. Spreading the word is critical for me and Shoe, my writing partner. I guarantee you, your vote will make a difference. Your support is greatly appreciated.
So, folks, should we help the Sperm Donor guys out?

My question is, are they sharing the wealth?
just kidding
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