SHALLA MINGLES with JIDE--from Donald Trump's The Apprentice

First off, who’s Jide?
Jide is the rebirth of music, which is why his symbol is the Phoenix. There is something about R&B songs that connect with the emotions of people. There is also something about hearing African percussion that makes people want to move.
Jide grew up listening to music from both worlds; he is the bridge for those who wish to hear something new, yet familiar. All his life all he has known is music & he just wants everyone else to hear the music that echoes in his heart & soul.

Take a trip to the Jungles of Africa & hear music that makes you feel like making love in the jungle heat against a tree. Feel the pulse from the percussion & wonder if it is the beat, or if it’s your heart beating fast. That’s the world Jide lives in, are you ready to come & visit.
Recently, Jide was featured on Donald Trump’s The Apprentice.
Shalla: Hey Jide!

How's your cool self doing?
Jide: Hi Shalla, I’m doing well, thanks for asking.
Jide: Oh yeah, being on the show was incredible. I went in there & auditioned, they picked me, & we started doing the task right away no time to even blink. What I had done did not hit me until a few days later.
Shalla: What’s the deal with XM Radio? Is the song you did on The Apprentice still on there?
Jide: Yeah, they are playing the song the team wrote on XM still. Actually XM has also started to play my original music as well. So I appreciate that and I think it’s a good look on their part.
Shalla: I was reading your bio and looks like you’ve known you wanted to be a singer since you were like… a baby!
What stuff did you have to do to make this dream come true? Did you take lots of music lessons?
Jide: I had to sacrifice a lot & it’s still early in the game. You may ask like what? Well I have to always write & record new music. If an opportunity comes up I have to jump on it, no matter what previous plans I may have had.
Like I’ve missed a couple of Thanksgivings because someone who could further my career wanted to meet that day. It’s thanksgiving yeah, but when opportunity knocks you got to be ready to answer if you really want something.
Shalla: I’m wondering, for someone who would like to become a singer, do you have any tips? Learn piano? Play saxophone? Go wild and learn to brave singing in front of anybody? Get on reality TV?
Jide: lol, you’re too funny!
Well I’ll put it like this, Bruce Lee used to say if you are a fighter you should learn everything about all styles of fighting. You may not use everything you’ve learned, but at least you know it & can call upon it if you need to. I believe the same theory goes towards anything you really wish to do in life.
I know how to play the piano a little bit, drums, & various other instruments. I’m not great at them, but I have enough of an idea on how they work so that I can incorporate them into my music & know what they should sound like.
As far as voice lessons it’s a must. Even if you’re the best singer in the world you need to practice. You may know how to sing well, but may not be breathing properly. Then you might run out of breath in the middle of a show. Better yet you may not be used to singing for hours, or days back to back & can end up hurting your vocal chords. You need instruction on the technical aspect of singing.
As far as the T.V. reality show situation; I’ll leave that to your judgment. It’s a risky thing to do, if you mess up there’s no “Take 2” that’s it & trust you will be remembered for it! lol
Shalla: Which reminds me –how did you get on The Apprentice?
Jide: A Producer I work with, Ali Dee heard they were looking for artists. He submitted my music, and they narrowed it down from thousands of artist to 4. We went on the show to audition for the groups & they liked Levi & me.
Shalla: So, you write your own songs –what are your writing inspirations? Do you ever get writers block? And if you do, how do you get over that?
Jide: I definitely write my own songs, but I’m down to co-write also. I’ve had writers block three or four times. I find if you stress it stays longer. I usually go for a drive and zone out. That’s actually when I write the best… just zone out.
Someone once told me that your brain is most creative when you’re halfway between falling asleep & being awake.
Shalla: And I’m curious, do you have any song lyrics you’ve written that you’d like to share with us?
Jide: Um, there are no lyrics that really jump out at me right now. I think all my lyrics are pretty good, not to pat myself on the back. But I try to write things that are always meaningful… at least to me.
Shalla: Any tips on song writing?
Jide: Just write what you feel, no holds barred. After you have fully expressed yourself you can go back & tweak it.
Shalla: Is there a difference between writing R&B and, say, writing soft rock or rap?
Jide: Well there is a difference to an extent. Certain lyrics only work in a certain style of music. I couldn’t write a polka songs talking about, “holla at your boy!"
It’s like when you go to a Doctor & you need a specialist for your situation. Yeah there are general Doctors that you can go to, but when it’s serious you need that specialist for that particular field.
Shalla: Since The Apprentice has it gotten easier to meet producers? Attend Hollywood parties? Get recognized?
Jide: You would think the answer to that question would be yes, but not exactly. I can call places now to make an appt. to speak with Producers & what have you.
In the end they still reschedule & push your appt. to the side for those who are really making money in the industry. But at least they answer my calls now, lol.
Shalla: Has anyone offered your gazillions of $$$ yet? And how’s the music production thing going?
Jide: No, I haven’t been offered a gazillion dollars yet, if I were you’d be the first to know, lol. I have some interest from people here & there, but nothing worth talking about yet.
I’m still in the studio writing recording & trying to make the best musical product I can possibly make.
Shalla: Finally, what’s next for Jide?
Jide: Your guess is as good as mine. All I can do is what I know, and that’s make more music. If an opportunity jumps out at me I’ll be there. I can promise you that!
Shalla: Cool Jide, thanks for talking with us. You’re so sweet :)
Jide: No, no the honor was all mine, if I’m sweet it is only because I’m the image of what I see… and I’m looking at you, beautiful!

For more on talented Jide, please visit him at www.Jide.Org
Shalla de Guzman writes multicultural and literary novels with a chick lit tone. A former writer and producer of a health and fitness cable show, Shalla is currently writing her next top secret, future best-selling novel.
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